1.  Pediatrics 2040: Looking at crystal ball, 61st National Conference, Indian Academy of Pediatrics, Pedicon 2024, Kochi
2.  From 100% mortality to 90% survival – the journey unfolded, Dr R K Gupta Memorial Oration, 18th March 2024, Jaipur
3.  Plenary and Leadership Session By Brahma Kumari (BK) Sister Shivani, Leadership Mantras, Empower "HER"Health: Perspective on Progress & Challenges Women's Health, XIV Annual Conference GAPIO, 15 -17 March 2024, Lucknow
4.  Genomics – Looking Ahead, Genomics Launch, February, Kolkata
5.  Let’s talk safety, The Big Debate, 11th International Patient Safety Congress (IPSC), Bangalore
6.  Can India become the Vishwa Guru in Healthcare?, Global Health Summit, January 2024, Delhi
7.  Pediatric Acute Liver Failure: What can we do, Philippine Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, February 2023 (Virtual)
8.  Communication – An approach to improving patient safety, NABH Patient Safety Conference, 17th September 2023, Delhi
9.  Can India become the Vishwa Guru in Healthcare, PERCON, 30th September 2023, Delhi
10.  Let’s talk safety, The Big Debate, 10th International Patient Safety Congress (IPSC), 13 -14 Feb 2023, Delhi
11.  Indian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ISPGHAN), 26th to 29th October 2023, Hyderabad
12.  Can India become the Vishwa Guru in Healthcare, Kindness, Apollo International Clinical Update (AICNU) 2023, 22 – 24 September, Goa
13.  Future of Healthcare with personalized Touch, SYMHEALTH 2023, 27th - 28th April, 2023, Pune
14.  Can India become the Vishwa Guru in Healthcare, AHPI, 10th February 2023, Jaipur
15.  Recent advances in hepatic transplantation, 30th IPA Congress and 60th Pedicon, 19th – 23rd Feb 2023, Ahemdabad
16.  Pediatric Liver Transplantation for All in 2022 - expanding indications, improving outcomes and access to everyone irrespective of the ability to pay, LTSICON 2022, 5- 8 January 2023, Navi Mumbai
17.  25 years of pediatric liver transplantation in India - improving outcomes and enhancing access for all, ISGCON, 6th January 2023 Jaipur
18.  Liver transplantation for metabolic disorders - overcoming challenges, enhancing access and improving outcomes, ICBD 2022, 22 November, 2022, Mysore (Virtual).
19.  Infant with cholestatic jaundice: What a Pediatrician should know?: A case-based discussion, Pedicon, 23 – 26 September, Dehradun
20.  India as Vishwa Guru in Healthcare, Apollo International Clinical Update (AICNU) 2022, Bhubaneswar
21.  Liver transplant in Acute Liver failure, Indian society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ISPGHAN), 8 -9 October, 2022, Jaipur, Rajasthan
22.  3rd Annual Healthcare Management Conference, Goa Institute of Management, 22 January 2022 (Virtual).
23.  ASSOCHAM Special Guest for ILLNESS TO WELLNESS Webinar on "Managing Omicron for Children: Symptoms & Curative Actions, 25 January 2022 (Virtual)
ICON, 19 - 22 Mar 2022, Noida, Uttar Pradesh
25.  Press Conference and RTM on “Pediatric Liver Transplant”, 11 April 2022, Amritsar
26.  Global Ayush Investment and Innovation Summit, 20 - 22 April 2022, Gandhinagar
27.  Evolving Healthcare Needs: New Investment Opportunities at the Indo ASEAN Business Summit, 7- 8 October 2021, (Virtual)
28.  FICCI Heal Session on “Capacity Building for the next decade”, 20 - 22 October 2021, India
29.  CII Asia Health 2021 Plenary Session on “Is India ready to provide care to 1.3 billion aspirational Indians”, 28 – 29 October 2021, India
30.  4th CII Hospital Tech 2021 Session on Patient Safety – “Does Indian healthcare have culture of safety at Hospital Tech 2021”, 16 November 2021, (Virtual)
31.  India’s response to covid-19, (BAPIO) British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, 19 September 2020 (Virtual)
32.  COVID-19: navigating the response across 16 states, FICCI Webinar, 29 September 2020.
33.  Fortifying against the COVID War- The Apollo Way, WHO Global Webinar, 9 July 2020 (Virtual)
34.  Fortifying against the COVID War- The Apollo Way, IHF Webinar, 26 May 2020 (Virtual)
35.  Metabolic liver diseases: From suspicion to diagnosis, Indian Academy of Pediatrics, 8-9 January 2020, Indore
36.  Annual Conference, Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (GAPIO), 3-5th January 2020, Nagpur
37.  Clairvoyance 2019, TISS, 6-7 December 2019, Mumbai
38Apollo VIII PATIENT SAFETY CONFERENCE, 13 – 14 September 2019, Hyderabad
39.  God’s Own work, 11th Apollo International Clinical Nutrition Update AICNU 2019, Clinical Nutritional, 21 – 22 September 2019, Indore
40.  AAPI - Global Healthcare Summit, 19 – 21 July 2019, Hyderabad
41.  Finding The Leader Within, 7-8 December 2018, Hyderabad
42.  Finding The Leader Within, 20 -21 November 2018, Kolkata
43.  Pediatric Liver transplantation, Indian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ISPGHAN) 26 – 28 October, Mumbai
44.  Finding The Leader Within, 4-5 September 2018, Chennai
45.  Approach to Jaundice and Liver lesions, MGM CME, 22 July 2018, Jaipur
46.  Liver Transplantation in India Scenario, PEDICON 2018, 4-7 January 2018, Nagpur
47.  VIIIth Annual Conference, Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (GAPIO), 5-7th January 2018, Mumbai
48.  Liver & Digestive Diseases, 11th Global Healthcare Summit, American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), 28 – 31 December 2018, Kolkata
49.  Cholestasis of infancy, 58th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology, 16-17 December 2017, Bhubaneshwar
50.  7th Apollo PATIENT SAFETY CONFERENCE, 1-2 December 2017, Mumbai
51.  Liver Transplantation in India, Indian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ISPGHAN)2017, 28-29 October 2017, Guwahati, Assam
52.  Food Allergy – What’s New, 9th Apollo International Clinical Nutrition Update AICNU 2017, Clinical Nutritional, 3 – 4 June 2017, Mumbai
53.  54th National Conference Indian Academy of Pediatrics, PEDICON, 20 January 2017, Bangalore
54.  Annual Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, 6 – 8 January 2017, Hyderabad
55.  AAPI Global Health Summit and Healthcare CEO Forum, 29 December 2016, Udaipur
56.  Apollo VI PATIENT SAFETY CONFERENCE, 20 – 22 October 2016, Chennai
57.  15 years of successful liver transplantation in India, 26 August 2016, Indian Medical Association, Patna
58.  Quality Beyond Accreditation, CAHOCON, 2nd National Conference, 19 – 20 March 2016, Bangalore
59.  15 years of successful liver transplantation in India, 22 – 23 February 2016, Indian Medical Association, Roorki
60.  Annual Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, 9 – 11 January 2016, Chandigarh
61.  No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it Nursing Conclave, Kolkata, 1 December 2015, Kolkata
62.  Approach to cholestasis of infancy, Conference of Indian Society of Gastroenterology (ISGCON) 20 -11 2015, Indore
63.  Apollo V PATIENT SAFETY CONFERENCE, 15 – 17 October 2015, Bangalore
64.  Biennial Conference of Commonwealth Association of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition (CAPGAN), 2015, 2nd October 2016, Mumbai
65.  Let us talk Safety, V International Congress on Patient Safety, 16 – 17 September 2015, Bangalore
66.  15 years of successful liver transplantation in India, Golden Jubilee Conference IAPSCON, 1 October 2015, Mumbai
67.  15 years of successful liver transplantation in India, 13 – 14 August 2015, Indian Medical Association, Jammu
68.  Apollo International Clinical Nutrition Update – 2015, 7 – 8 August, Ahmedabad
69.  Challenges in Patient Safety and Quality Improvement (Open house), 1 August 2015, 10years celebration of JCI Accreditation, Mumbai
70.  15 years of successful liver transplantation in India, 18 – 19 April 2015, Indian Medical Association, Dehradun
71.  Is there a need for Quality Improvement, 10 -11 April 2015, Indian Medical Association and Kathmandu, Nepal
72.  15 years of successful liver transplantation in India, 27 – 29 March 2015, Indian Medical Association, Varanasi
73.  15 years of successful liver transplantation in India, 18 December 2014, Indian Medical Association Conference, Lucknow
74.  15 years of successful liver transplantation in India, 17 September 2014, Indian Medical Association Conference, Kanpur
75.  15 years of successful pediatric liver transplantation in India, MAHAPEDICON, 7 – 8 November 2014, Mumbai
76.  15 years of successful liver transplantation in India, 17 – 18 October 2014, Ranchi
77.  15 years of successful liver transplantation in India, 19 September 2014, Indian Medical Association Conference, Kochi
78.  Pediatric liver transplantation what we foresee in 15 years, PEDGASTROCON2014, 20 – 21 September 2014, Kochi
79.  Liver Transplantation – what we foresee in 15 years, 20 – 21 September 2014, Indian Medical Association Conference, XXVI GIMACON, Goa
80.  Journey of Pediatric Liver Transplant in India,  Dr. B S Pendse Oration, GPCON 2014 – National IMA CGP Conference and 44th Annual Conference of IMA Mumbai, 13 – 14 September 2014, Mumbai
81.  Patient Satisfaction vs Patient Safety, IV International Congress on Patient Safety, 5 – 6 September 2014, Kolkata
82.  Common Case Scenarios in Pediatric Hepatology, 12 – 13 June 2014, Udaipur
83.  15 years of successful liver transplantation in India, 26 – 27 April 2014, Mumbai
84.  15 years of successful liver transplantation in India, 18 – 19 April 2014, Raipur
85.  15 years of successful liver transplantation in India and 1600 liver transplants at Apollo Transplant Institute, 27 – 28 March 2014, Jaipur
86.  Liver Transplantation in Children, 19 – 21 March 2014, Shillong and Guwahati
87.  The Complexities of hepatitis, XXXXXI Annual National Conference of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics (PEDICON 2014), 10 January 2014, Indore
88.  Case discussions in Pediatric Liver Diseases , IAP, 14 December 2013, Mumbai
89.  Case scenarios in day to day hepatology, GIAPCON 2013, 7 December 2013, Baroda
90.  Abdominal pain revisited, GIAPCON 2013, 7 December 2013, Baroda
91.  Liver Transplantation in Children, IAP, 16 November 2013, Jaipur
92.  Liver Transplantation in Children, IAP, 26 October 2013, Lucknow
93.  Apollo International Clinical Nutrition Update – 2013, 4 – 5 October, Hyderabad
94.  XXIIIrd national Conference of Paediatric, Gastroenterology and Nutrition PEDGASTROCON 2013, Pune, 27 – 28 September 2013, Pune
95.  Management of liver failure, Sisir Chandra Bose Oration, Institute of Child Health (ICH), Kolkata, 23 – 24 August 2013, Kolkata
96.  15 years of pediatric liver transplantation in India, Indian Medical Association (IMA), Amritsar, 21 July 2013, Amritsar
97.  Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals Delhi becomes the busiest solid organ transplant centre in the world, Apollo Hospitals, 23 June 2013, Ajmer
98.  Pediatric liver transplantation, IAP, 31 May 2013, Ahmedabad
99.  Pediatric liver transplantation, IAP, 26 May 2013, Panipat
100.  Pediatric liver transplantation, IAP, 12 May 2013, Gwalior
101.  15 years of pediatric liver transplantation in India, IAP, 27 April 2013, Ludhiana
102.  Pediatric liver transplantation, IAP, 8 March 2013, Pune
103.  Beyond Accreditation - the Apollo Experience, Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital, QIPS 2013 conference, 9 March 2013, Pune.
104.  Newer  diagnostic modalities in gastroenterology and hepatology, Pediatrics 2013, 10 March, Nagpur
105.  Management of liver failure, IAP, Chhattisgarh, 24 - 25 February 2013, Bilaspur
106.  Acute liver failure: Management issues, XXXXX National Conference of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics (PEDICON 2013), 17 January 2013, Kolkata
107.  Management of acute liver failure, 22nd Annual Conference of Pediatric Gastroenterology, 2 - 4 November 2012, Lucknow
108.  Approach to a child with jaundice, IAP, 20 - 21 October 2012, Srinagar
109.  Common liver case scenario, 23 August 2012, IAP, Ahmedabad
110.  Liver case scenarios, IAP, 4 May 2012, Jaipur
111.  Management of liver failure, Indian Medical Association (IMA), 21 - 22 April 2012, Srinagar
112.  Management of liver failure, IMA, 11 April 2012, Bhopal
113.  Pediatric Liver transplantation, IAP, 22 March 2012, Patna, Bihar
114.  Common liver case scenarios in Pediatric practice, IAP, 14 - 15 March 2012, Ahmedabad
115.  Is there a need for quality improvement in healthcare? IMA, 22 January 2012, Delhi
116.  Service Profiling of a hospital, XXXXIX National Conference of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics, 19 January 2012, Gurgaon
117.  Liver transplant in children – How far are we? XXXXIX National Conference of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics, 19 January 2012, Gurgaon
118.  Management of hepatitis B in Children, XXXXIX National Conference of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics, 18 January 2012, Gurgaon.
119.  Celiac Disease - a hidden epidemic, 15 January 2012, India International Centre, Delhi
120.  Liver transplantation in metabolic liver diseases, "Mid-Term INASL Meeting 2012', 1314 January 2012, Mumbai
121.  Is there a need for quality improvement in healthcare?, Delhi Medical Association, 8 January 2012, Delhi
122.  Common liver case scenarios in Pediatric practice, IAP, 22 – 23 December 2011, Kolkata
123.  Common liver case scenarios in Pediatric practice, IAP, 8 – 9 December 2011, Jaipur
124.  Common liver case scenarios, IAP, 15 November 2011, Bhubaneswar
125.  Liver case scenarios in neonatal practice, IAP, 20 November 2011, Ludhiana
126.  Management of liver failure, IAP, 21 – 23 October 2011, Goa
127.  Lessons from the first successful Pediatric liver transplant programme in India, IMA, 14 October 2011, Ghaziabad
128.  Pediatric Liver Transplantation in India Indications and Results, ISOT Liver Session, 8 October 2011, Delhi
129.  Management of liver failure, IAP, 1 October 2011, Mandi
130.  Is there a need for quality improvement in healthcare? Hospital Management Conference, Innovation in Healthcare, 27-28 May 2011, Mumbai
131.  ACE @ 25 – a toolkit to measure patient safety, Transforming Healthcare with IT 2011, 22 – 23 April 2011, Hyderabad
132.  Celebrating 12 years of Successful Liver Transplantation in India, 2-3 April 2011, Mumbai.
133.  Common liver case scenarios, 11-12 March 2011, Ludhiana.
134.  Indications for Pediatric Liver Transplantation, 24 -25 February 2011, Goa
135.  Common liver case scenarios, 9-10 February 2011, Ranchi
136.  Workshop on Pediatric Liver Transplantation, 26-27 January 2011, Narayana Hrudayalaya, Bangalore
137.  Earnest Endeavours – Expanding Horizons, XXXXVIII National Conference of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics, 19 January 2011, Jaipur
138.  What is new in Pediatric Gastroenterology, 2nd eMedinews Revisiting 2010, 9 January 2011 Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi
139.  Pediatric Liver Transplantation in India – now a reality, 53rd Annual Delhi State Medical Conference, 26 December 2010, Delhi
140.  Acute Liver Failure Panel Discussion, Single Theme INASL Meeting, 19 December 2010, Medanta Medicity, Gurgaon
141.  Celiac Disease, Celiac Society For Delhi, 18 December2010, Delhi
142.  A Decade of Successful Liver Transplantation in India, 24 October 2010, Delhi
143.  Keep your child healthy, Prevention Wellness Weekend, 23 October 2010, Delhi
144.  The best start in life, Prevention Wellness Weekend, 23 October2010, Delhi
145.  Beyond portoenterostomy: when to refer for a liver transplant , 20th Annual Pediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology And Nutrition Conference, 1-3 October 2010, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh
146.  A Practical Approach to Recurrent Abdominal Pain, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Workshop , 18 July, Delhi
147.  Approach to Jaundice, Maulana Azad Medical College, 15 April 2010
148.  Liver transplantation in children, Gastroenterology CME and Dr. K. C. Chaudhuri Memorial Oration, 21 March 2010, Kolkata
149.  Neonatal Cholestasis, Gastroenterology CME and Dr. K. C. Chaudhuri Memorial Oration, 21 March 2010, Kolkata
150.  Liver transplantation in children, Pediatric Liver CME Medico Surgical Fusion, 7 March 2010, Mumbai
151.  Liver transplant - is the dream becoming a reality, XXXXVII National Conference The Indian Academy Pediatrics, 8-10 January 2010, Hyderabad
152.  A decade of successful liver transplantation India, 12 February 2010, Jammu
153.  A decade of successful liver transplantation India, MAMC, 10 January 2010, Delhi
154.  Liver disorders in Pediatric s – a case based approach, Rajpedicon 2009, 24-25 October 2009, Jaipur
155.  Tertiary Pediatric, 52nd Annual Delhi State Medical Conference, Delhi Medical Association. 13 September 2009, Delhi
156.  Liver transplantation, Pediatric Gastroenterology Mid Term Conference2009, 25-26 April 2009, Jaipur
157.  Approach to a child with Liver Dysfunction, XXXXVI Conference of The Indian Academy Pediatric, 22-25 January2009, Bangalore
158.  Liver transplantation Indian Scenario- Indications and when to refer, Pediatric Gastroenterology 2008, November 2008, Mumbai
159.  Fulminat Hepatic Failure, Rajpedicon 2008, 15-16 November 2008, Alwar
160.  Acute Liver Failure, Indo-American Summit of Pediatric, 1-3 August 2008, Jaipur
161.  Wilson’s disease, XXXXV Conference of Indian Academy of Pediatrics, 17-19 January 2008, Bhubeshwar
162.  Neonatal Cholestasis, IAP-American Academy of Pediatrics CME , 7-9 December 2007, Bangalore
163.  Liver Transplantation, Annual meeting of IAP, Pediatric Gastroenterology Chapter, September 2007, Chennai
164.  Liver transplantation in children, Mid term conference of the Indian Academy of Pediatric, Pediatric Gastroenterology Chapter, 7-8 April 2007, Jammu
165.  Liver transplantation, Hepatobiliary Congress, 24 February, 2007, Lucknow
166.  Journey to JCI accreditation-An Indian perspective, First International Healthcare Quality Conclave, 23 February, 2007, New Delhi
167.  The Role of Health Insurance, FICCI-HEAL 2007 titled "Global Healthcare Conference-Promoting Partnerships”, 15-16 January 2007, New Delhi.
168.  Budd Chiari Syndrome, XXXXIV Annual meeting of IAP, 10 January 2007, Mumbai
169.  Pediatric Liver Transplantation in India, WB Pediatric Surgery Association, 10 December 2006, Kolkata
170.  Liver Transplantation the Indian experience, Pediatric Transplant Association India Symposium, 29 October 2007, New Delhi
171.  Acute Hepatitis, Combined meeting of the British Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology and Nutrition and IAP Pediatric Gastroenterology chapter, 28 October 2007, Delhi
172.  Liver Transplantation, Indian Academy of Pediatric (IAP) Indore, 7 May 2006, Indore
173.  Liver Transplantation, Apollo Ranchi, 6 April 2006, Ranchi
174.  Common liver problems, IAP Agra, 20 March 2006, Agra
175.  Management of chronic hepatitis, XXXXIII Annual Meeting of IAP, 6 January 2006, New Delhi
176.  Tacrolimus and mycofenolate, XXXXIII Annual Meeting of IAP, 5 January 2006, New Delhi
177.  Let’s not miss or ignore biliary atresia, IAP meeting - Gastroenterology chapter, Oct 2005, Hyderabad
178.  Hepatitis B and C, South Delhi IAP meeting, CME on Gastroenterology and Hepatology), 31st July 2005, Delhi
179.  Fulminant Liver Failure, IAP Srinagar, 25 June 2005, Srinagar
180.  Need for quality improvement, Indian Medical Association, 30 May 2005, Dehradun
181.  Nutrition in critically ill, Pediatric Intensive Care Update and Workshop, 19-20 February 2005, Delhi
182.  Uncommon causes of chronic small bowel diarrhea in children: When to suspect? XXXXII Annual meeting of IAP, 8th January 2005, Kolkata
183.  Transplant Medicine? How far we are in India, XXXXII Annual meeting of IAP, 8th January 2005, Kolkata
184.  Nutritional management – Pre and Post Liver Transplantation, Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver APASL 2004, 13th December 2004, New Delhi
185.  Clinical Nutrition When, What and How : An interactive session, CME 2004 organized by East Delhi Physicians Association. 5th December 2004, New Delhi
186.  Liver Case Scenarios, IAP Haryana Pedicon-XV-2004, 28th November 2004, Panipat
187.  Diarrhoea in children – Penal discussion, Annual conference of API Delhi Chapter, 10th October 2004, New Delhi
188.  Quality improvement in Patient Safety, 2nd India Health Summit - Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) meeting 17th – 18th November 2004, New Delhi
189.  Pediatric Transplantation – Difficulties in India, National Conference of Pediatric Gastroenterology, 30th October 2004, Coimbatore
190.  Dilemmas in Chronic Hepatitis, International Pediatric Update 2004, 16th October 2004, Mumbai
191.  Diarrhea – Current Perspectives, International Pediatric Update 2004, 15th October 2004, Mumbai
192.  Indications for Pediatric Liver Transplantation, XV Annual Conference of Indian Society of Organ Transplantation, 30th Sept – 2nd Oct 2004, Mumbai
193.  Improving the Quality of Health Services, Health Care East - Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) meeting, 29th September 2004, Kolkata
194.  Neonatal Cholestasis Syndrome, An Update on Emerging Concerns in Neonatal Care, 12th September 2004, SL Jain Hospital, New Delhi
195.  Common Liver Case Scenarios and Common Gastro-Intestinal Case Scenarios, IAP Srinagar 4th September 2004, Srinagar
196.  Hepatitis B Therapy. XXXXI Annual meeting of IAP, 10-11 January 2004, Chennai
197.  Liver Case Scenarios, IAP Madhya Pradesh, 14th December 2003, Khajurao
198.  Lamivudine, National Conference on Newer Drugs in Pediatric Infections, 13th December 2003, New Delhi
199.  Recurrent Abdominal Pain, IAP Haryana Chapter 23rd Nov 2003, Faridabad
200.  Chronic Liver Disease. Annual Conference of Indian Society of Gastroenterology, 22nd November 2003, Chennai
201.  Hepatitis A, IAP Infection Disease Chapter, 15th November 2003, Agra
202.  Nutrition Quiz, Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Society of Asia, 8th November 2003, Goa
203.  Hepatocyte Transplantation, IAP Pune, 28th September 2003, Pune
204.  Fulminant Hepatic Failure, IAP Mumbai, 14th September 2003, Mumbai
205.  Neonatal Colestasis, IAP Udaipur, I4th May 2003, Udaipur
206.  Management of hepatitis B – What’s new?, Mid term conference of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) Pediatric Gastroenterology Chapter, 20th April 2003, New Delhi
207.  Jaundice – how much to investigate? XXXX Annual meeting of IAP, 2-5 January 2003, Mumbai
208.  Management of fulminant hepatic failure. XXXX Annual meeting of IAP, 2-5 January 2003, Mumbai
209.  Recent Advances in Neonatal Hepatology. Annual Convention of National Neonatalogy Forum, 19-21 December 2002, Kochi
210.  Neonatal Cholestasis. Annual Conference of Rajasthan Branch of National Neonatology Forum, 17 November 2002, Alwar
211.  Nimesulide – the controversy. Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) Indore, 27 October 2002, Indore
212.  Management of Hepatitis C. Annual Meeting of IAP Pediatric Gastroenterology Chapter, 5 October 2002, Kolkatta
213.  Recent trends in management of Fulminant Hepatic Failure. Annual Meeting of IAP Pediatric Gastroenterology Chapter, 5 October 2002, Kolkatta
214.  Pediatric liver transplantation in India. Annual meeting of Indian Society of Organ Transplant, 28th September 2002, Lucknow
215.  Parenteral Nutrition, IAP Raipur, 21 September 2002, Raipur
216.  Probiotics, IAP Ghaziabad, 14th September 2002, Ghaziabad
217.  Probiotics, IAP Jaipur, 17th August 2002, Jaipur
218.  Neonatal Cholestasis, IAP Karnal, 3rd August 2002, Karnal
219.  Hepatitis B and C, Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) Nagpur, 14 April 2002, Nagpur
220.  Case scenarios in pediatric gastroenterology and hepatology. IAP Jabalpur, 13 April 2002, Jabalpur
221.  Liver transplantation in India. XXXIX Annual Meeting of IAP, 27 - 30 January 2002, Bangalore
222.  Liver transplantation in India: dismal scenario – reasons and outcome. Annual Meeting of Association of Physicians in India, 14 January 2002, Chennai
223.  Parenteral and enteral nutrition in newborns. Annual Meeting of the National Neonatology Forum, 15 December 2001, Guwahati
224.  Management of viral hepatitis. Annual Meeting of IAP Madhya Pradesh State, 9 December 2001, Bhopal
225.  Liver transplantation, IAP Allahabad 4 November 2001, Allahabad
226.  Neonatal cholestasis, IAP Bareilly, 21 October 2001, Bareilly
227.  Nutrition and chronic liver disease, ISPEN meeting, 16 October 2001, Mt Abu
228.  Neonatal cholestasis, IAP Hissar, 7 October 2001, Hissar
229.  Management of hepatitis B and C, IAP Ludhiana, 16 September 2001,Ludhiana
230.  Pediatric liver transplantation - the Indian experience. Annual meeting of IAP Pediatric Gastroenterology Chapter, 2 September 2001, Chandigarh
231.  Liver transplantation. CME organisized by the Indian Society of Gastroenterology, 18 August 2001, Mumbai
232.  Approach to cholestasis, IAP Jammu, 21 July 2001, Jammu
233.  Hepatitis A, XXXVIII IAP Annual Meeting, 10 February 2001, Patna
234.  Fulminant liver failure, IMA Khajuraho, 20 January 2001, Khajuraho
235.  Liver transplantation - the Indian experience. Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons Annual Meeting, 2 November 2000, Chandigarh
236.  Approach to neonatal cholestasis. IAP Mumbai and Navi Mumbai Annual Meeting, 21 October 2000, Mumbai
237.  Acute viral hepatitis. Annual meeting of IAP Pediatric Gastroenterology Chapter, 14 October 2000, Lucknow
238.  Neonatal cholestsis. IAP Pediatric Gastroenterology Chapter seminar on Liver disease, 10 September 2000, New Delhi
239.  Abdominal Pain, Annual Meeting of IAP Punjab State, 31 July 2000, Bhatinda
240.  Management of fulminant hepatic failure, IAP Ludhiana, 11 June 2000, Ludhiana
241.  Vaccination in hepatic disorders, Millennium Conference, IAP West Bengal, 28 May 2000,
242.  Neonatal jaundice, IAP Moradabad, 10 April 2000, Moradabad
243.  Approach to acute liver failure, IAP Varanasi, 26 March 2000, Varanasi
244.  Management of metabolic liver disease. Midterm Meeting of Pediatric Gastroenterology Chapter of IAP, 12 February 2000, Pune
245.  Vaccination in hepatic disorders. XXXVII Annual Meeting IAP, 29 January 2000 Hyderabad
246.  Pediatric hepatology – continuing quest of breakthroughs. Pediatric care in the next millennium conference, Apollo Centre for Advanced Pediatrics, 19 December 1999, New Delhi
247.  Liver transplantation – the Indian experience. Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons Annual Meeting, 29 October 1999, Calcutta
248.  Liver transplantation – Indian Scenario. Annual Meeting Pediatric Gastroenterology Chapter of IAP, 3 October 1999, Chennai
249.  Fulminant hepatic failure. Intensive care workshop, Apollo Centre for Advanced Pediatrics, 8 August 1999,New Delhi
250.  Hepatitis A Vaccination. CME on newer vaccines, Apollo Center for Advanced Pediatrics, 2 May 1999, New Delhi
251.  Need for a liver foundation. Consensus meeting on neonatal cholestasis, Pediatric Gastroenterology Chapter of IAP, mid term meeting, 28 April 1999, Lucknow
252.  Neonatal cholestasis, Neonatal update, Apollo Centre for Advanced Pediatric, 28 February 1999, New Delhi
253.  Approach to neonatal jaundice, IAP Guwahati, 29 January 1999, Guwahati
254.  Pediatric liver transplantation, ISOT meeting, 30 January 1999, Calcutta
255.  Liver transplantation in the developing world, LTSI working group. 28 June 1998, Ahmedabad
256.  Panel discussion on acute Pancreatitis, ISG Meeting, 14 April 1998, New Delhi
257.  Pediatric liver transplantation, IAP Pune, 30 March 1998, Pune.
258.  Panel discussion on liver transplantation. INASL annual meeting. 28 March 1998, Mumbai
259.  Neonatal hepatitis, IAP Mumbai, 27 March 1998, Mumbai
260.  Treatment of hepatitis C in children. IAP Hyderabad, 16 March 1998, Hyderabad
261.  Nutrition and chronic liver disease, ISPEN meeting, 13 March 1998, Hyderabad
262.  Gastroesophageal reflux in children. Workshop on nutritional care of the new born. 13 February 1998, New Delhi
263.  Prevention of hepatitis A, IMA CME, 9 January 1998, Noida
264.  Hepatitis revisited, IAP Meerut Chapter, 22 December 1997, Meerut
265.  Treatment of hepatitis C, IMA South Delhi Annual Convention, September 1998, New Delhi